Thursday, March 29, 2018

Launch of “The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature-Posters from Guangzhou 1966-1977”

The Library is proud to partner with  Dr. Laura Pozzi , Lecturer of the   Centre for China Studies , to launch this new digital colle... thumbnail 1 summary

The Library is proud to partner with Dr. Laura Pozzi, Lecturer of the Centre for China Studies, to launch this new digital collection, “The Cultural Revolution in Images: Caricature-Posters from Guangzhou 1966-1977”. Through high-definition digitization, the collection showcasing 216 original posters from the Library on the Cultural Revolution is now available online to the academic community throughout the world. With the curation effort of Dr. Pozzi, all the posters were meticulously classified and the collection is organized into two sections: the first entitled “Caricature Posters of the Cultural Revolution in Guangzhou” showcases posters dated between 1966 and 1967; the second section entitled “The End of the Gang of Four” presents posters dated between 1976 and 1977. The posters are then divided according to their content, mostly the identity of the politician they targeted. All the information about each image (author and date of production) together with a translation of texts and slogans contained in the posters are accessible by either clicking the individual poster or mouse over an individual poster in each section. 
According to Dr. Pozzi, most of the pieces showcased in this collection are satirical caricatures against party leaders drawn in Guangzhou during the Cultural Revolution. This satirical content sets them apart from most known images of the Cultural Revolution, which are mainly propagandistic. It is hoped that this unique and valuable collection will be helpful to scholars in their research and teaching.
The digital collection can be accessed at:
For enquiries, please contact us at
香港中文大學圖書館很榮幸與中國研究中心講師 Laura Pozzi博士合作推出新的圖書館數碼館藏:”漫畫中的文化大革命:廣州的諷刺宣傳畫 1966-1977”。216幅文化大革命期間的政治諷刺宣傳畫全部由圖書館收藏,透過高清掃瞄將此數碼館藏呈現給全世界。館藏中所有海報均由Pozzi博士精心分類為兩部分:第一部分“文革期間的廣州諷刺宣傳畫”收錄了1966至1967年的宣傳畫;第二部分“粉碎四人幫”則收錄1967至1977年的作品。除了以年份為主要區分,宣傳畫亦依照內容,尤其是作品中政治人物再作分類。讀者可將鼠標移至宣傳畫海報及點擊海報以了解更多相關資料,當中包括作者及創作年份及宣傳畫中所使用中文文本及口號的英譯版本。
如有查詢,可電郵至 與我們聯絡。

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Innovation Skills Workshops: Applying Digital Tools in Telling Stories with DATA (First Workshop on 23-24 March 2018)

The Library is pleased to collaborate with  Centre for Entrepreneurship  in arranging a series of workshops -  Innovation Skills Workshops:... thumbnail 1 summary
The Library is pleased to collaborate with Centre for Entrepreneurship in arranging a series of workshops - Innovation Skills Workshops: Applying Digital Tools in Telling Stories with DATA from March to October 2018. The series consists of 3 workshops well-structured for equipping participants with the skills to combine computational methods with narrative approaches using data to develop web applications for scholarly and creative works. Popular digital tools like Python will be covered. Each workshop consists of 9 hours with theories and practices, starting on Friday night and end on Saturday afternoon:
  • Workshop 1: Design Thinking Meets Computational Thinking - Digital Literacy in the Network Age
  • Workshop 2: Preparing and Exploring Your Data in Python
  • Workshop 3: Visualizing and Publishing Your Data in Python
Welcome CUHK Faculty members, researchers and all students to join this workshop to equip yourself to tell impactful stories with data. Please also keep an eye on the other two workshops. Certificate of Attendance will be issued for participants who have attended ALL THREE workshops.
Workshop 1: Design Thinking Meets Computational Thinking - Digital Literacy in the Network Age (9 hrs) (will be held on 23-24 March 2018 (Fri–Sat)) 
a. T-shaped Talent and Digital Literacy
  1. From I-shaped to T-shaped: Talent development for the network age
  2. Design Thinking meets Computational Thinking: A STEAM approach to digital literacy
  3. Lessons from “Digital Humanities”: C.P. Snow, Nicholas Negroponte, and Lev Manovich revisited
  4. Telling story with data: From data scraping to data visualisation and interaction
Date & Time: 23 March 2018 (Fri), 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
b. The Big 3 of web publishing
  1. HTML - the noun in web publishing
  2. CSS - the adjective in web publishing
  3. JavaScript - the verb in web publishing
  4. Using Git, Bootstrap library and Pingendo Builder for web development and publishing
Date & Time: 24 March 2018 (Sat), 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Workshop 2: Preparing and Exploring Your Data in Python (9 hrs) (tentatively in mid-May to early June 2018) 
a. Preparing (pre-processing) your data for growth (3 hrs)
  1. Know your sources: interviews, field studies, open data, API, websites, IoT, and digital archives
  2. ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) in CSV, XML, and JSON formats for data preparation
  3. Finding a home for your data - cloud computing and its infrastructure for growth and support
  4. Popular tools for data preparation (e.g. Knime, Open Refine, Google Sheet/Xpath, Scrapinghub, Beautiful Soap, and Scrapy)
b. Exploring your data in Python (6 hrs)
  1. Using Anaconda Jupyter Notebook for data exploration in Python
  2. Introduction to Python operations (operator and operand), control structure, data structure, and function
  3. Useful Python modules for data exploration, analysis and mining (Mathpotlib, Numpy, Pandas, etc.)
  4. Free online resources for self-paced learning in Python (,,,, etc.)
Workshop 3: Visualizing and Publishing Your Data in Python (9 hrs) (tentatively in mid-September to early October 2018) 
a. Growing your data in the cloud: From Google Sheet to Airtable (3 hrs)
  1. Beyond Google Sheet — Building relational database in Airtable for storing and managing your data
  2. The power of views — Displaying and filtering data in form, grid, calendar, kanban, and gallery views
  3. Functions and API for more advanced data modelling and application development
  4. Integration with other web applications for team collaboration and project management
b. Data Visualisation in JavaScript (3 hrs)
  1. Front-end vs. back-end programming: interface with the user and interface with the data using the Python Flask framework
  2. Useful JavaScript libraries (jQuery, D3, Mpld3, Leaflet, etc.) for data visualization and front-end interactions
  3. Create your first interactive chart in Matpotlib and Mpld3 
  4. Create your first interactive map in Leaflet
c. Publishing Your Project on the Web (3 hrs)
  1. The elements of user experience in web design
  2. The narrative components in user journey within a web design
  3. Combining Airtable and Bootstrap library for web publishing
  4. Use of Google Optimize and Google Analytics to track your web project
Venue: Digital Scholarship Lab, G/F, University Library
Registration: Click to register (for workshop 1)
Remarks: Users are required to bring their own devices to the workshop.
Innovation Skills Workshop: Applying Digital Tools in Telling Stories with DATA