The first CUHK Library Digital Scholarship Symposium “Exploring Digital Scholarship Research at CUHK and Beyond” held successfully

On 31 March 2017, the CUHK Library organized the first Digital Scholarship Symposium with the theme “ Exploring Digital Scholarship Re... thumbnail 1 summary

On 31 March 2017, the CUHK Library organized the first Digital Scholarship Symposium with the theme “Exploring Digital Scholarship Research at CUHK and Beyond” that was held at the Digital Scholarship Lab, G/F of University Library.  Six speakers from different disciplines presented their latest digital scholarship projects, attracting over 60 researchers, research students and librarians.

As a 1st anniversary event of the Digital Scholarship Lab, the Symposium aims at providing an avenue for all scholars interested in and conducting research in digital scholarship to get together to share their research, to further spark off more research in this area, and to enhance the partnership between the CUHK Library and the Faculty in conducting and supporting digital scholarship research.

The Symposium was officiated by Prof. Fanny M.C. CHEUNG, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President and Ms. Louise JONES, University Librarian of CUHK. There were six presentations on network analysis, data visualization, GIS and big data analysis. They were:
  1. Prof. HUANG Bo from Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK: GIS and Big Data for Urban Applications
  2. Prof. LAI Chi-Tim from Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK: Guangzhou Daoist and Popular Temples Studies and the Development of Daoist Digital Museum
  3. Ms. Kitty Siu from Library, CUHK: A Collaborative Project in Opening Research Data: Archaeological Sites Mapping in China with GIS
  4. Dr. TSUI Lik-hang from China Biographical Database Project (CBDB), Harvard University: A Cyberinfrastructure for Studying Chinese History: A Proposal Based on the Experience of the China Biographical Database Project
  5. Prof. Angela WU from School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK: Re-presenting Web Use as Networks
  6. Prof. Michelle YE from Department of Translation, CUHK: The Social Network of an Early Republican Literary Magazine: a Visualization with Gephi

The post-symposium workshop in the afternoon by Dr. Tsui introduced the use of China Biographical Database (CBDB) and incorporation in other tools such as MARKUS for China studies.  The digital tools presented in the workshop sparked very lively discussion among participants.  More photos about the symposium can be found here.

The Library is very grateful for the enthusiastic support from the Faculty and the participants. The Library will continue to support research activities across the entire research life cycle by leveraging the latest digital technologies.