The Soft-launch of Chinese Medicine Texts Collection
The Chinese Medicine Texts Collection is now accessible at the CUHK Digital Repository ( The Collection was established in close collaboration with the School of Chinese Medicine. It contains some very rare Chinese Medicine titles such as 《秘傳眼科龍木醫書總論》,《丹臺玉案》and 《景岳全書》. As at today, there are over 280 volumes and more will be added to grow the collection. You are welcome to visit the collection now.
"中醫古典文庫"現可於中文大學數碼典藏( 閱覽,文庫由中文大學中醫學院及大學圖書館緊密協作整理。當中藏書極為珍貴包括《秘傳眼科龍木醫書總論》,《丹臺玉案》及《景岳全書》。直至現在, 已上載了超過280冊,我們將陸續上載更多藏書,歡迎立即行動閱覽這文庫。